Easy trick for matrix multiplication by hand:
- Move the second matrix up (not left) above the first so you find the dimensions of the result
- Take dot product of each column (moving down) with each row (left to right)
sum(row i * col i for each i)
Homogeneous Coordinate
p = [4, 2, 1]
=== [8, 4, 2] (scaling vector 2)
=== [-8,-4,-2] (scaling vector -2)
Equality is defined between two vectors if the scaling vector is the same across all values.
Homogeneous Transformation
Translate a vector by [x, y]
- Convert vector to HC
- Multiply by
Scale a vector by [x, y]
- Convert vector to HC
- Multiply by
Rotate a vector by x
- Convert vector to HC
- Multiply by
[[cos(x), -sin(x), 0],[sin(x), cos(x), 0],[0,0,1]]