Kundalini Yoga is focused on achieving specific goals.
This is where "chakra" comes from.
Listing the chakras here for historical/cultural context, not scientifically based meditation practice, although there are specific practices for each chakra that have shown to lead to specific types of results (obviously due to brain changes not chakra alignment)
- muladhara
Base of the spine
Controls basic impulses and primal urges
- swadhisthana
Tail bone
Controls relationships and loneliness
- manipara
Controls agni (digestive fire)
The idea here is information and nutrition "becomes you" as it is digested/processed
- anahata
Compassion and empathy
- vishuddha
The way we change the outside world
- ajna
"Third eye center"
Intuition and understanding (also understanding other people)
- sahasrara
Very top of head or above head