Karatsuba's Addition and Multiplication
Modern CPUs can add two 64 bit numbers, how can we add arbitrarily large numbers? This is needed for RSA and is implemented in BigNum or GNU Multiplication (GMP).
Grade school add:
def add(a, b):
c = [] # size n of a or b
carry = 0
for (bit, i) in enumerate(b):
carry, c[i] = sum_of_bits(a, b, i, carry) # like basic long addition
c[0] = carry
return c
If a and b are not the same size, pad the shorter with zeros.
Grade school multiplication
mult(a, b):
result = [] # len(a) + len(b)
tmp = a
for j = len(b) down to 1:
if b[j] = 1:
addTo(result, tmp) # result += tmp
shift_left(tmp) # move all bits 1 to left, so append zero to end
runtime Θ(n^2) ish depends on length of numbers. Can you do better?
Divide & Conquer Multiplication
Assume a and b are big numbers of length n which is divisible by 2.
Split each number in the middle, so you have a1 a2 b1 b2
a = 2^(n/2)a1 + a2
b = 2^(n/2)b1 + b2
the 2^(n/2) just adds n*2 zeros to the end
I did not get all the notes here, but at the end of the day you need four recursive calls and base case is multiplying 2 bits.
T(n) = {
Θ(1) n = 1
4T(n/2) + Θ(n)
Solved = Θ(n^2)
Exactly the same complexity of grade school
Karatsuba's trick
Reduce four recursive calls to three
T(n) = {
Θ(1) n = 1
3T(n/2) + Θ(n)