Max subarray problem
If you have a list of integers, what is the maximum difference between two numbers if you cannot change the order.
Brute force approach:
maxDiff = 0
for i up to n-1:
for j up to n:
maxDiff = max(maxDiff, items[j] - items[i])
return maxDiff
Runtime of brute force is O(n^2), can you do better?
- Split the list into two - left and right
- Solve for left, solve for right
- In the combination step, do a linear scan of the left for the smallest value and the right for the largest value. These values are for the case where your optimal solution was split across the two partitions.
- Result is max(left, right, highest - lowest)
max_sub_array(A, l, u)
if (l == u):
return 0
else len(A) == 2:
return max(A[u] - A[l], 0)
m = (l+u)//2
left = max_sub_array(A, l, m)
right = max_sub_array(A, m+1, u)
straddle = max_element(A, l, m) - min_element(A, m+1, u)
return max(left, right, straddle)
max_element(A, l, u):
max = 0
for i from l to u:
if A[i] > max:
max = A[i]
return max
Runtime is the same as mergesort
T(n) = {
Θ(1) when n <= 2
2T(n/2) + Θ(n) otherwise
2T(n/2) + Θ(n) = Θ(nlogn)