Dynamic programming
Formulated in 40's to solve a class of optimization problems.
Based on one key idea: optimal substructure
EX: How do I optimally cut 10m rods into 3/4m rods and maximize the price/payoff?
4 + 4 (2 waste) $4 3 + 3 + 3 (1 waste) $5.40 3 + 3 + 4 $5.60
What about in general case?
Think about each cut as a sequence of decisions.
Find the best solution for each length of rod starting from smallest to largest size of rod. You then build a table which shows you the optimal way to breakdown a large rod.
Once you commit to a cut, you are left with an identical subproblem with different data.
Combine the result of your subproblem with your original problem.
General Steps:
- Identify the optimal substructure
- Write down a recurrence for the optimal value (called value function or cost to go)
- Memoize the subproblems
- Recover the solution (store the decisions you make while finding optimal value and read them off/backward at the end)
def maxRevenueNew_Memoize(L, sizes, prices):
k = len(sizes)
assert len(prices) == k
# Build a two dimensional tbl in python
# The entire table is filled with zeros
tbl = []
# Also record which option is best to reconstruct solution
sol = []
for i in range(L+1):
sol.append([-1]* (k+1))
for l in range(L+1):
for j in range(k-1, -1, -1): # Iterate from k-1 down to 0
ki = l // sizes[j]
valuesToConsider = [ ((i * prices[j] + tbl[ l-i*sizes[j] ][j+1]), i) for i in range(ki+1) ]
valuesToConsider.append((0, -1))
(val, option_id) = max(valuesToConsider)
tbl[l][j] = val
sol[l][j] = option_id
# Now retrieve the solution
cuts = []
l = L
j = 0
while l > 0 and j < k:
option_id = sol[l][j]
if option_id == -1:
if (option_id > 0):
cuts.append('Cut length = %d , %d times' % (sizes[j], option_id))
l = l - option_id * sizes[j]
j = j + 1
return tbl[L][0], cuts
What happens when optimal substructure fails?
The way you sequence a decision may not lead to an optimal substructure. This happens if the local optimal solution means that you have to re-examine the global problem. For example, if in knapsack you have a tipping point where taking over L items results in a change to the value of all items.
currentoptimal + solutionso_far != optimal