
Dynamic programming

Formulated in 40's to solve a class of optimization problems.

Based on one key idea: optimal substructure

EX: How do I optimally cut 10m rods into 3/4m rods and maximize the price/payoff?

4 + 4 (2 waste) $4 3 + 3 + 3 (1 waste) $5.40 3 + 3 + 4 $5.60

What about in general case?

Think about each cut as a sequence of decisions.

Find the best solution for each length of rod starting from smallest to largest size of rod. You then build a table which shows you the optimal way to breakdown a large rod.

Once you commit to a cut, you are left with an identical subproblem with different data.

Combine the result of your subproblem with your original problem.

General Steps:

  1. Identify the optimal substructure
  2. Write down a recurrence for the optimal value (called value function or cost to go)
  3. Memoize the subproblems
  4. Recover the solution (store the decisions you make while finding optimal value and read them off/backward at the end)
def maxRevenueNew_Memoize(L, sizes, prices):
    k = len(sizes)
    assert len(prices) == k
    # Build a two dimensional tbl in python
    # The entire table is filled with zeros
    tbl = []
    # Also record which option is best to reconstruct solution
    sol = []
    for i in range(L+1):
        sol.append([-1]* (k+1))

    for l in range(L+1):
        for j in range(k-1, -1, -1): # Iterate from k-1 down to 0
            ki = l // sizes[j]
            valuesToConsider = [ ((i * prices[j] +  tbl[ l-i*sizes[j] ][j+1]), i) for i in range(ki+1) ]
            valuesToConsider.append((0, -1))
            (val, option_id) = max(valuesToConsider)
            tbl[l][j] = val
            sol[l][j] = option_id
    # Now retrieve the solution
    cuts = []
    l = L
    j = 0
    while l > 0 and j < k:
        option_id = sol[l][j]
        if option_id == -1:
        if (option_id > 0):
            cuts.append('Cut length = %d , %d times' % (sizes[j], option_id))
        l = l - option_id * sizes[j]
        j = j + 1
    return tbl[L][0], cuts

What happens when optimal substructure fails?

The way you sequence a decision may not lead to an optimal substructure. This happens if the local optimal solution means that you have to re-examine the global problem. For example, if in knapsack you have a tipping point where taking over L items results in a change to the value of all items.

currentoptimal + solutionso_far != optimal
