Cake Sharing Problem
Alice, Bob + Charlie share a cake.
Constraints: [
alice - at least as much cake as bob,
bob - at least twice as much cake as charlie,
charlie - at least 1/10th of the cake,
bob's doctor - no more than half the cake for bob,
alice - $10 for the whole cake, 1$ for each 10th,
bob - $12/cake
charlie - $15/cake
Maximize the profit while respecting the constraints.
# Decision Variables
xa: alice
xb: bob
xc: charlie
# Objective Function
max: 10xa + 12xb + 15xc
# Constraints
xa >= xb,
xb <= 2xc,
xc >= 1/10,
xb <= 1/2,
xa+xb+xc = 1,
xa,xb,xc >= 0
For Future
Look into duality and dual solution