

A collection of nodes with some amount of directed or non-directed connections.

cycle: three or more nodes linked together in a loop

connected: every node can reach every other node

directed: one way connections between nodes

weight: the cost of a link between nodes

dag: directed acyclic graph

node === vertex


Normally represented with:

Adjacency List

Stored in a 2d array. An index is a node and the array at that index is a list of edges.

        { to: 3, weight: 10 },
        { to: 5, weight: 4 }
    [{ to: 1, weight: 1 }]

Adjacency Matrix (O(V^2))

Like an adjacency list but each subarray shows the weight of connections to all other nodes. No connection is represented with a 0.

    [0, 0, 10, 0, 4],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

All trees are graphs, so just use DFS or BFS.

BFS on adjacency matrix:

function bfs(graph: WeightedAdjacencyMatrix, source: number, needle: number): number[] | undefined {
    const seen = new Array(graph.length).fill(false);
    const prev = new Array(graph.length).fill(-1);
    const queue: number[] = [source];

    seen[source] = true;

    do {
        const curr = queue.shift() as number;
        if (curr === needle) {

        const adjs = graph[curr];
        for (let i = 0; i < adjs.length; i++) {
            if (adjs[i] === 0) {

            if (seen[i]) {

            seen[i] = true;
            prev[i] = curr;
    } while (queue.length);

    let curr = needle;
    const out: number[] = [];
    while (prev[curr] !== -1) {
        curr = prev[curr];

    return out.length ? [source].concat(out.reverse()) : undefined;

DFS on adjacency list:

function dfs(graph: WeightedAdjacencyList, source: number, needle: number): number[] | undefined {
    const seen: boolean[] = new Array(graph.lenght).fill(false);
    const path: number[] = [];

    walk(graph, source, needle, seen, path);

    return path.length ? path : undefined;
function walk(
    graph: WeightedAdjacencyList,
    curr: number,
    needle: number,
    seen: boolean[],
    path: number[]
): boolean {
    if (seen[curr]) {
        return false;

    // pre
    seen[curr] = true;
    if (curr === needle) {
        return true;

    const adjs = graph[curr];
    for (let i = 0; i < adjs.length; i++) {
        const edge = adjs[i];

        if (walk(graph,, needle, seen, path)) {
            return true;

    // post

    return false;

Dijkstra's shortest path

The most ultimate classic graph problem is finding the shortest path between nodes. Dijkstra got that on lock with a greedy algorithm.

Make sure to use an adjacency list to maintain O(V^2 + E) in naive implementation or O(logv(v+e)) if you use a min heap rather than a seen array to keep track of the smallest unseen next step.