

Very useful data structure for operations with strings.

Standard use case is O(1) auto-complete.

Root node has nothing, and then link together full words as children of the preceding letter. On the last letter of a word, add an isWord: true or some sort of signal.

If someone types a letter, lookup all options down the branch of the tree that starts with the letter they typed DFS or BFS and then traverse down the branches as they type more letters.

You can also score the nodes as users select options so that over time the high score options can be ordered first.

insertion(str) {
    curr = head
    for (c in str) {
        if (curr[c]) {
            curr = curr[c]
        } else {
            node = createNode();
            curr[c] = node;
            curr = node;
    curr.isWord = true;

For deletion, recursively find the end of a word and then delete your way back up in a post recursion step.


O(number of nodes * size of alphabet)

Lexicographical sorting

Typical sort algorithms would take O(nlogn * m) to sort words in a dictionary where m is the length of the longest string. This slowdown also impacts pattern matching (searching) for partial strings and genome sequences etc….

Suffix Tries

A "suffix tree" is referring to the same thing.

A "suffix" is:

string = "abracadabra$" # $ is termination character
n = len(string)
suffixes = []

for i in range(n):

So you create all suffixes from all strings and add them to the tree.

Every suffix takes you from the root to a leaf (as long as you have the termination character).

You can search if a string contains a sub string and can do basic regex matching.

Compressed Suffix Tries

If you have a branch that does not split, compress it into the branching node.

b - a - nana
      - z

Number of nodes is at most twice the length of the string.

This is super handy for finding longest matching pattern between strings.