Multi View Geometry
Key Questions:
- Where is the object in relation to the camera? (Multiple coordinate systems)
- Where is the camera? (3d Translation)
- Where is the camera pointing at? (3d Rotation)
- How is the object seen by the camera? (Projection)
P^M = P as seen from Viewpoint M
Different objects can have identical coordinate locations if the viewpoints are translated with the objects relative to each other.
CSA Planes
Think of a typical 3D box:
- Coronal (front) (x)
- Sagittal (side) (y)
- Axial (top) (z)
Translation is achieved by matrix multiplication. Take a point and multiply by the translation matrix.
P = [
-1, # x
4, # y
-2, # z
1 # homogeneous coordinate conversion
T = [
[1, 0, 0, 3],
[0, 1, 0, -5],
[0, 0, 1, 4],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
T * P = [2, -1, 2, 1]
theta = 0 # rotation amount
c = math.cos(theta)
s = math.sin(theta)
Z = [
[c, -s, x],
[s, c, x],
[x, x, 1],
Y = [
[c, x, -s],
[x, 1, x],
[s, x, c],
X = [
[1, x, x],
[x, c, -s],
[x, s, c],
Camera Translation
It's helpful to draw the camera view as a little stick figure to track how the view moves from the perspective of an outside observer.
Translate a point in the camera coordinate by multiplying the point vector with a matrix.
[1, x, x, 2],
[x, 1, x, 3],
[x, x, 1, -4]
[x, x, x, 1]
Then you can derive how the camera must have moved.
Extrinsic/Intrinsic Matrix
The extrinsic matrix is a transformation matrix from the world to camera coordinate system. Combine rotation and translation into one matrix describing a full movement.
The intrinsic matrix is a transformation matrix from the camera to pixel coordinate system.
f = focal_length_scaled_x
j = focal_length_scaled_y
o = offset
[f, x, o],
[x, j, o],
[x, x, 1]
Epipolar Geometry
Goal - reduce the amount of search area for a camera to find points while it moves.
Draw a triangle by connecting the two views through the scene. The flat 2d scene across the triangle is the epipole.
cross_product_matrix = [
[0, -c, b],
[c, 0, -a],
[-b, a, 0]